HES A LUCKY DELIGHT, APHA 1,007,309 & PtHA 144,307 Nick Name“Okie”,
Standing 157 cm.
Born, March, 30th. 2010 in Oklahoma, Breeder: Paul Toal, Cedar Hill, Texas


Show Season 2020:
2020 blev et forfærdeligt år for de fleste, p.gr. af Corona restriktionerne. For Annette og Okie, var det ingen undtagelse. De deltog kun i et eneste show, hvilket også var eneste mulige, nemlig GERMAN PAINT, som dette år måtte “erstatte” EURO-PAINT. Hertil kom så at Annette måtte døje med stærke rygsmerter og derfor slet ikke blev placeret i ride klasserne og tilmed måtte udgå af flere af disse klasser. Men i Halter klasserne kunne hun lige slæbe sig igennem og opnåede følgende flotte Medaljer: GULD, Amateur Halter Geldings All Ages, samt BRONZE, OPEN 3 Year Old & Older Geldings.

Fantastic GERMAN PAINT 2020 for Circle M Farm horses.
19 Medals all together.
Marked with yellow frames are all the CMF-owned and/or bred horses.
Marked with green are all offsprings by our stallions, bred and/or owned by our customers.
We are so proud of y’all. BIG CONGRATULATIONS!
Show Season 2019:
Igen her i 2019 ligger Okie og Annette helt i toppen på APHA’s “YEAR-END AWARD” lister, denne gang som nummer 2 på ZONE 12 (Hele Europa) TOP-FIVE.
Her er placeringerne for 2017, 2018 og 2019, men det er nu 14 år i træk at Annette har ligget på ZONE TOP-FIVE og/eller HONOR ROLL AWARDS (Hele Verden), listerne. De tidligere 10 års placeringer finder i under “Show Season 2016”,længere nede her på siden.

Update, Friday evening:
3 x Winner in Amateur Hunter under Saddle.
Update, Saturday evening:
2nd. and 3rd. in NSBA Non Pro and Open Western Pleasure
Update, Sunday afternoon:
2 x Winner and a 2nd. in Senior Hunter under Saddle, Winner in NSBA Non Pro Hunter u. Saddle and 3 x Winner in Amateur Western Pleasure All Ages
What a show for Annette and Hes A Luckey Delight

Annette and Hes A Luckey Delight scored their 4th. medal. This time it was made of Silver, in Masters Hunter under Saddle.
They also entered in Senior Hunter under Saddle, but obviously they both where tired of the extreme hot weather and “only” ended on a 5th. place, out of 17 entries in that class.
So, all in all they won medals in 4 out of their 5 entries.

Sunday, in Amateur Geldings All Ages and Performance Halter Geldings:
2 x GOLD MEDAL, 4 x Grand Champion, 2 x Reserve Champion, 4 x winner and 3 x second.
Wednesday, in Masters Western Pleasure: SILVER MEDAL, 1 x winner, 3 x second and 1 x third.

5 starter, som resulterede i 2 x PHCG Guld i Western Pleasure, 1 x Sølv i Hunter Under Saddle og 2 x PHCG Bronze i Halter.

Well Done, my girl

Denne gang blev det til 4 stk. Ialt.
Thank you very much to Paint Horse Club Germany

They took Both the Gold Medal in Open Senior Hunter Under Saddle, as well as the Silver Medal in Amateur Senior Hunter Under Saddle. And they where also placed in Top 10, in the other 3 classes they entered.
And a lot of the horses we have breed and sold all over Europe, also won a bunch of European titles as well.

GREAT judges, great hospitaliy from the host,
Good old german Paint Horse friends. And WAYYY too fine weather.
Thank Y’all.
Show Season 2017

This is their 6th. SUPERIOR Award.
A big THANK YOU to NSBA Scandinavia, from Annette and He’s A Luckey Delight for these huge and pretty bronze trophies, winning:Year End High Point 2017 in both”Hunter Under Saddle” as well as “Western Pleasure”.

Here are their final, overall results:
Silver, Amateur Halter, 12 entries, 11+ points
Silver, Perform. Halter, 12 entries, 15+ points
5th. Amt. Senior W. Pleasure, 18 entr. 13 pts.
5th. Amateur Senior Hunter, 17 entr. 4 points
5th. Open Senior Hunter, 20 entries, 6 points
8th. Open Senior Pleasure, 18 entries, 8 points

Winning 2 x Grand Champion, 7 x First, 2 x Second and over 1600,- SKr. in NSBA pricemoney.
Thank you very much to everybody in this highly professionel showteam.

Thank Y’all.
Show Season 2016

Annette and Okie ended their 2016 showseason, being the most succesfull ZONE 12 team.
And they are now the highest ranking Danish APHA OPEN as well as APHA MASTER AMATEUR 2016.
And they have constantly been in TOP 5 during the last 10 years in a row!!

Annette & Okies PHCDK High Point Certifikater fra 2016.
(Og herefter sluttede så vores deltagelse i PHCDK shows)

Annette and HES A LUCKY DELIGHT had a great time at this fine 3-Judge show.
Out of their 16 entries they had 15 APHA point earning placings.
3 x Winner in Amateur Senior Western Pleasure and 6 points (8 Entries)
3 x Winner in Open Senior Western Pleasure and 6 points (7 Entries)
1 Win. – 2nd. – and 3rd. in Open Senior Hunter Under Saddle and 12 points. (15 Entries)
2 x 3rd. in Amateur Senior Hunter Under Saddle and 6 Points. (16 Entries)
2 x 3rd & 1 x 4th. in Amateur Halter Geldings and 5 points. (12 Entries)
2 x 3rd & 1 x 4th. in Open Halter Geldings and 2 points. (11 Entries)

Although the Judges were very divided on the results and therefore the show was a very weird experience in virtually all classes, then it still went Annette and Okie pretty good.
Hereby their overall results:
2nd. and Silver Medal, in Open Senior Hunter Under Saddle and 15 APHA Open Points. (16 Entries)
3rd. and Bronze Medal, in Amateur Senior Hunter Under Saddle and 11 APHA Amateur Points. (13 Entries)
3rd. and Bronze Medal, in Amateur Senior Western Pleasure and 12 APHA Amateur Points. (16 Entries)
4th. in Open Senior Western Pleasure and 9 APHA Open Points. (18 Entries)
4th. and 1xGrand Champion, in Amateur Halter Geldings and 6 APHA Amateur Points. (14 Entries)
7th. in Open Halter 3 Yr Old & Aged Geldings and 0 APHA Open Points. (11 Entries)

at the Danish Paint Horse Championship 2016 in Varde:
5 x Danish Champion titles (out of 6 possible)
And all 6 Grand Champions in Amateur and Open halter

Som “Akut-indsatte” med-arrangører af dette PHCDK’s 20-Års Jubilæumsshow, med 3 dommere, 37 deltagende Painthorses i 236 starter, samt en Jubilæums fest med tæt på 100 spisende gæster, satte Annette og jeg hermed et flot punktum for vores engagement i PHCDK.
Både som grundlæggere af PAINT HORSE KLUB DENMARK i 1995 og som medlemmer heraf, gennem 20 år.
Dette har været en spændende- og ikke mindst MEGET lærerig periode. Især på “Menneske-siden” i vores lange “Heste-liv”.
Lad os håbe for vores kære “PHCDK-Barn” at de nye “Klub-kræfter” i PHCDK, kan stå distancen i fremtiden!
Annette og jeg vil fremover koncentrere os om os selv og vores egne Paint heste og deltager i fremtiden i alle de Europæiske shows, som vi finder interessante.

At the “GERMAN-PAINT” in Luhmülen, Germany, they started 6 classes with 4 judges, and they got 23 out of the 24 possible placings. 10 x 1st. – 5 x 2nd. – 5 x 3rd. – 2 x 4th. and 1 x 5th.
Plus 5 Grand Champion and 1 Reserve Grand Champions in Halter.
Thank you VERY much to Paint Horse Club Germany, for a GREAT show.

But not many points achieved in Paint Horse classes, due to a massive lack of APHA entries,
– what a pity since the facilities and show was great.

Out of 14 entries they had 11 winns and 4 Grand Champions.
Show Season 2015:

Annette & “Okie” ala HES A LUCKY DELIGHT did it again in 2015! In the Year-end final results, they made it to the “TOP-FIVE” at the Zone 12 (All Europe) for MASTERS AMATEUR placed as #5

Annette klarede sig rigtigt godt ved de danske shows i 2015, så her er lige lidt prale-billeder af hendes 7 certifikater.

SUPERIOR Amateur Western Pleasure
As a 6 year old horse!!

Winner, Open Western Pleasure, Mark R. Russell (6 entries) (2 points)
2nd, Open Western Pleasure, Tanja Hermann (6 entries) (1 point)
Winner, Amateur Western Pleasure, Tanja Hermann(9 entries) (3 points)
2nd, Amateur Western Pleasure, Mark R. Russell (9 entries) (2 point)

Karin van Bekkum
EURO PAINT August 24. 2015

Danish Paint Horse Championship, August 8th. 2015

33 trophies and 8 Danish Champion titles for Hes A Lucky Delight and his sire Hes Just Luckey.
Here are the results for Hes A Lucky Delight:
08-aug | BRANDE, DN | ABH | 1 | 5 | 1.0 | 0.0 | WILLOUGHBY, MARYANN |
08-aug | BRANDE, DN | GCH | 0 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.5 | WILLOUGHBY, MARYANN |
08-aug | BRANDE, DN | AMH | 1 | 5 | 0.0 | 1.0 | WILLOUGHBY, MARYANN |
08-aug | BRANDE, DN | AWP | 1 | 8 | 2.0 | 0.0 | WILLOUGHBY, MARYANN |
08-aug | BRANDE, DN | ABH | 1 | 5 | 1.0 | 0.0 | JACKSON, DR SAM P |
08-aug | BRANDE, DN | GCH | 0 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.5 | JACKSON, DR SAM P |
08-aug | BRANDE, DN | AMH | 1 | 5 | 0.0 | 1.0 | JACKSON, DR SAM P |
08-aug | BRANDE, DN | AWP | 1 | 8 | 2.0 | 0.0 | JACKSON, DR SAM P |
08-aug | BRANDE, DN | ABH | 1 | 5 | 1.0 | 0.0 | JACKSON, SCOT A |
08-aug | BRANDE, DN | GCH | 0 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.5 | JACKSON, SCOT A |
08-aug | BRANDE, DN | AMH | 1 | 5 | 0.0 | 1.0 | JACKSON, SCOT A |
08-aug | BRANDE, DN | AWP | 2 | 8 | 1.0 | 0.0 | JACKSON, SCOT A |
GERMAN PAINT 2015, Luhmülen, Germany.
jul-16 | SALZHAUSEN, GM | AWP | 3 | 10 | 1.0 | 0.0 | LEMAY, MAJ-BRITT |
jul-16 | SALZHAUSEN, GM | ABH | 3 | 11 | 1.0 | 0.0 | LEMAY, RICK |
jul-16 | SALZHAUSEN, GM | AWP | 1 | 10 | 3.0 | 0.0 | LEMAY, RICK |
maj-23 | BRANDE, DN | GCH | 0 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.5 | SCHUURMAN, BARRY |
maj-23 | BRANDE, DN | AMH | 1 | 4 | 0.0 | 1.0 | SCHUURMAN, BARRY |
maj-23 | BRANDE, DN | AWP | 2 | 8 | 1.0 | 0.0 | SCHUURMAN, BARRY |
maj-23 | BRANDE, DN | ABH | 1 | 7 | 2.0 | 0.0 | NEFF, DUKE |
maj-23 | BRANDE, DN | GCH | 0 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.5 | NEFF, DUKE |
maj-23 | BRANDE, DN | AMH | 1 | 4 | 0.0 | 1.0 | NEFF, DUKE |
maj-23 | BRANDE, DN | AWP | 2 | 8 | 1.0 | 0.0 | NEFF, DUKE |
Show Season 2014

Annette & “Okie” alias Hes A Lucky Delight, did it again.
After winning 4 APHA Register of Merits in 2014, they also won the TOP 7 of the PHCDK placings in the HIGH POINT System there.
So the Certificate as well as the beautiful Cowboy Bronze trophy from Clay’s hand ended in our mailbox.
EURO PAINT September 1. 2014

3rd. Amateur Junior Western Pleasure, Larry L. Hansch (10 entries) (1 point)
3rd. Amateur Junior Western Pleasure, Nancie Wright (1 point)
3rd. Green Hunter Under Saddle, Laura Kathry Gilmer (15 entries) (3 points)
5th. Green Hunter Under Saddle, Larry L. Hansch (1 point)
3rd. Green Hunter Under Saddle, Brad W. Kearns (3 points)
4th. Green Hunter Under Saddle, Nancie Wright (2 points)
6st. Open Junior Western Pleasure, Laura Kathry Gilmer (1 point)
4rt. Open Junior Western Pleasure, Larry L. Hansch (3 points)
5th. Open Junior Western Pleasure, LNancie Wright (2 points)

Paint Horse Championship, August, 9. 2014:

DANISH CHAMPION, Open 3 Year & Older Geldings
DANISH CHAMPION, Amateur Western Pleasure All Ages
DANISH CHAMPION, Open Junior Western Pleasure
DANISH CHAMPION, Amateur Hunter Under Saddle
Total of: 13 APHA Open- and 11 APHA Amateur points
Winner, Amateur Geldings All Ages, Susanne Zahner (1 point)
Winner, Amateur Hunter Under Saddle, Susanne Zahner (1 point)
Winner, Amateur Hunter Under Saddle, Sue Kapushion (1 point)
Winner, Amateur Hunter Under Saddle, Marvin Kapushion (1 point)
Winner, Amateur Western Pleasure, Susanne Zahner (3 points)
Winner, Amateur Western Pleasure, Sue Kapushion (3 points)
2nd. Amateur Western Pleasure, Marvin Kapushion (2 points)
RESERVE CHAMPION, Open Halter Geldings, Susanne Zahner
2nd. Open 3-Year-Old and Aged Geldings, Susanne Zahner (2 points)
2nd. Open 3-Year-Old and Aged Geldings, Sue Kapushion (2 points)
2nd. Open Junior Hunter Under Saddle, Susanne Zahner (1 point)
Winner, Open Jumior Hunter Under Saddle, Marvin Kapushion (2 points)
Winner, Open Junior Western Pleasure, Susanne Zahner (2 points)
2nd. Open Junior Western Pleasure, Sue Kapushion (1 point)
Winner, OpenJunior Western Pleasure, Marvin Kapushion (2 points)
Danish Paint Horse Open, July, 26. 2014

GRAND CHAMPION, Amateur Geldings All Ages, Dick Gahimer
Winner, Amateur Halter Geldings All Ages, Kay Colvin (2 points)
Winner, Amateur Halter Geldings All Ages, Dick Gahimer (2 points)
Winner, Amateur Western Pleasure, Kay Colvin (1 point)
Winner, Amateur Western Pleasure, Dick Gahimer (1 point)
GRAND CHAMPION, Open Geldings All Ages, Kay Colvin (0,5 point)
GRAND CHAMPION, Open Geldings All Ages, Dick Gahimer (0,5 point)
Winner, Open Yearling & Older Geldings All Ages, Kay Colvin (1 point)
Winner, Open Yearling & Older Geldings All Ages, Dick Gahimer (1 point)
Winner, Open Hunter Under Saddle, Kay Colvin (1 point)
2nd. Open Hunter Under Saddle, Dick Gahimer (0,5 point)
2nd. Green Hunter Under Saddle, Kay Colvin (0,5 point)
2nd. Green Hunter Under Saddle, Dick Gahimer (0,5 point)
Winner, Open Western Pleasure, Kay Colvin (2 points)
German Championship, Luhmülen, Germany, July, 18. 2014

Winner, Amateur Halter Geldings All Ages, Dick Gahimer (3 points)
2nd. Amateur Halter Geldings All Ages, Jill Paxton (2 points)
RESERVE CHAMPION Amateur Halter Geldings All Ages, Jill Paxton
Winner, Amateur Hunter Under Saddle, Dick Gahimer (4 points)
2nd. Amateur Hunter Under Saddle, Nancy Ann Wilde (3 points)
4th. Amateur Hunter Under Saddle, Jill Paxton (1 point)
4th. Amateur Hunter Under Saddle, Kay Colvin (1 point)
3rd. Amateur Western Pleasure, Dick Gahimer (1 point)
3rd. Amateur Western Pleasure, Jill Paxton (1 point)
GRAND CHAMPION Open Geldings All Ages, Dick Gahimer
RESERVE CHAMPION Open Halter Geldings All Ages, Jill Paxton
Winner, Open 3-Year-Old and Aged Geldings, Dick Gahimer (3 points)
2nd. Open 3-Year-Old and Aged Geldings, Jill Paxton (2 points)
2nd. Green Hunter Under Saddle, Nancy Ann Wilde (3 points)
2nd. Green Hunter Under Saddle, Kay Colvin (3 points)

Winner, Amateur Western Pleasure, Johanna Grabner (1 point)
2nd. Open Western Pleasure, Johanna Grabner (1 point)
Show Season 2013:

APHA # 2 Masters Amateur, Zone 12 (Europa)
2013 Highpoint Placings, PHCDK Shows.
Open Highpoint Performance Horse of the Year
Open Highpoint Green Western Pleasure
Amateur Highpoint Western Pleasure (Tie)
EUROPEAN Paint Horse Championship, Kreuth, GERMANY, September, 2. 2013:

2nd. Green Western Pleasure All Ages, Kenny Hall (24 entries) (5 points)
2nd. Green Western Pleasure All Ages, Michelle Pearson (5 points)
3rd. Green Western Pleasure All Ages, Robert Meneely (4 points)
4th. Green Western Pleasure All Ages, Leon Borcherding (3 points)
5th. Green Western Pleasure All Ages, Chele McGauly (2 points)
5th. Open Jr. Western Pleasure, Robert Meneely (22 entries) (2 points)
6th. Open Jr. Western Pleasure All Ages, Kenny Hall (1 point)

Danish Paint Horse Championship, Denmark, August, 10. 2013:

Winner, Amateur Geldings All Ages, Deborah Lee White (2 points)
Amateur Grand Champion Gelding, Deborah Lee White
Winner, Open Yearling & Older Geldings, Deborah Lee White (2 points)
2nd. Open Yearling & Older Geldings, Virginie Meglinky (1 point)
Grand Champion Open Gelding, Deborah Lee White
Reserve Champion Open, Gelding, Virginie Meglinky
DANISH CHAMPION, Amateur Western Pleasure All Ages
3rd. Amateur Western Pleasure All Ages, Chris Arnold (1 point)
3rd. Amateur Western Pleasure All Ages, Deborah Lee White (1 point)
3rd. Amateur Western Pleasure All Ages, Virginie Meglinky (1 point)
3rd. Green Western Pleasure All Ages, Chris Arnold (2 points)
3rd. Green Western Pleasure All Ages, Deborah Lee White (2 points)
2nd. Green Western Pleasure All Ages, Virginie Meglinky (3 points)
3rd. Open Jr Western Pleasure, Chris Arnold (1 point)
3rd. Open Jr Western Pleasure, Deborah Lee White (1 point)
Winner, Open Jr Western Pleasure, Virginie Meglinky (3 points)
Schultz Sommer Special, Denmark, June, 22. 2013:

2nd. Green Western Pleasure All Ages, Barry Schuurman (2 points)
Nordic Paint Horse Challenge, Bökeberg, Sweden, June, 14- 16. 2013:

Gold Medal, Open Junior Western Pleasure
Winner, Open Junior Western Pleasure, Bonnie Miller (1 point)
Winner, Open Junior Western Pleasure, Barry Schuurman (1 point)
Silver Medal, Amateur Western Pleasure All Ages
Winner, Amateur Western Pleasure All Ages, Bonnie Miller (3 points)
2nd. Amateur Western Pleasure All Ages, Barry Schuurman (2 points)
2nd. Amateur Western Pleasure All Ages, Vreni Schmid (2 points)
2nd. and RESERVE CHAMPION, Amateur Geldings All Ages, Barry Schuurman (1 point)
2nd. and RESERVE CHAMPION, Geldings All Ages, Vreni Schmid (1 point)
Haderslev, Denmark, June, 8- 9. 2013:

2nd. Open Western Pleasure All Ages, Susanne Zahner (1 point)
Soltau Germany, May, 25-26. 2013:

RESERVE CHAMPION, Open Halter All Ages
2nd. Amateur Halter Geldings, Kathy Miller (1 point)
2nd. Amateur Halter Geldings, Gary Miller (1 point)
2nd. Open 3-Year-Old & Aged Halter Geldings, Kathy Miller (0,5 point)
2nd. Open 3-Year-Old & Aged Halter Geldings, Gary Miller (0,5 point)
Winner, Amateur Junior western Pleasure, Kathy Miller (1 point)
Winner, Amateur Junior western Pleasure, Gary Miller (1 point)
Winner, Open Junior western Pleasure, Kathy Miller (1 point)
Winner, Open Junior western Pleasure, Gary Miller (1 point)
Okie came to our barn in January, 2013

Thank y’all, Annette & Viggo

Okie was shown at the Color Breed Congress in Tulsa, Oklahoma in November, 2012:

But unfortunately he had a few breaks there and this is not accepted in a class with 24 of the worlds best horses and riders.

GOSH, he was a mover, – already back then as a baby !!