“The more, the better! We love the Modern Type Texas Longhorns, with massive base and length”.

For den moderne Texas Longhorn avl i USA, bliver salgs priserne sat efter dimensionerne på dyrenes horn. (De senere års priser for de allerbedste har i USA været flere millioner kroner)! Hornene måles som “Tip To Tip” (længden fra spids til spids) og “Total Horn” (Her måles der hele vejen langs begge horns bagsider, fra spids til spids). Og til sidst måles “baserne” (hornets omkreds, helt inde ved kraniet), på både højre og venstre horn. Derefter lægger man så alle disse 4 målinger sammen til det den totale værdi, som kaldes “Composite”.
Se meget mere om at måle horn her: https://circlemfarm.dk/maal-horn-paa-en-texas-longhorn/
Vi har først og fremmest vores Texas Longhorns for at avle længst mulige horn, her vil vi gerne præsentere vores lille besætning. Vi har valgt at satse højt på top-afstamning direkte fra USA, (det blev desværre lidt dyrt), – derfor har vi kun ganske få, – men MEGET interessante dyr. Alle med både originale TLBAA Certifikater og danske stamtavler.

TLBAA SI67270* Steer, Born at Circle M Farm, February 16th. 2019

CMF BAD COMPANY – 1 Year old – 35″ TTT 89 cm TLBAA SI68892*
Steer, Born at Circle M Farm, March 3rd. 2021


From the very beginning of Circle M Farm, back in 1988, when we started visit Texas every year, – searching for new American Paint Horses to add to our Farm, we always had a good eye to the many Ranches, breeding Texas Longhorn Cattle.
We promised ourselves that one day we would also have a few great Longhorn Trophy Steers grazing next to our Paint Horses. But there, – we learned that this was not as easy as bringing over horses. Cattle from the US are very complicated to import to Denmark, due to all the many veterinarian rules in Europe.
Actually, – the only way to go, was to find a Texas Longhorn breeder who would be willing to produce a batch of frozen embryos for us. And THIS was not an “easy-peasy”!!

But suddenly in 2013, we got contact to Darlene Aldridge, DVM, – the owner of one of the finest Texas Longhorn herds in all USA, STAR CREEK RANCH in Texas. And Darlene helped us to buy two sets of shipments, one in 2014 and another one in 2015. This resulted in 2 x 3 live-born calves and these amazing babies grew up to be the foundation of our 1st-class Breeding animals, here on Circle M Farm in Denmark.

So, – from there, we bred and selected the very best bull-calves, to get castrated, to fulfill our highest dream, of being the proud owners of a few heads of purebred Texas Longhorn Trophy-Steers. And that’s where we are today.
A VERY long and complicated way to go, – but this has also resulted in a lot of fine, lifetime friendships among Texas Longhorn breeders all over Texas. Very, very great experiences, that we never forget.

So, – sitting here in Denmark, – looking out at the pasture with our pretty “Coming-Trophy” Texas Longhorn Steers, right next to our American Paint Horses. – That’s Life!

Vi kan også stærkt anbefale at smage det helt fantastiske og SUNDE kød fra Texas Longhorns. Læs mere herom på denne side: https://circlemfarm.dk/texas-longhorn-koed/
Kig endelig forbi, – vi er altid friske med en kop kaffe og en go’ snak om Texas Longhorns. Men ring lige først på 23334006!


CMF WELL DONE, TLBAA CTI299997* Ko, Født på Circle M Farm, August 1st. 2016.

Horn Dimensioner: 84,75″ – Total Horn (215cm) – 62,0″ Tip toTip (158cm) – 17,5″ Hver Base (44cm) – Composite: 182″ (462cm)

CMF T-BONE, Tyr, TLBAA BTI92283* Født på Circle M Farm, August 10th. 2016
Horn Dimensioner: 97,5″ Total Horn (248cm) – 70,0″ TipToTip (178cm) – 17,0″ Hver Base (43cm) – Composite: 201,5 (512cm)

CMF STARBASE FASHION, TLBAA CTI293071* Ko, Født på Circle M Farm, April 8th. 201

Horn Dimensioner: 95,5″ Total Horn (243cm) – 76,5″ Tip toTip (194cm) – 15,0″ Hver Base (38cm) – Composite: 202″ (513cm)


CMF WAH FANDE TLBAA SI67271* Stud, Født på Circle M Farm, March 25th. 2019

Kom og se vores dyr og lad os få en go’ snak om Texas Longhorns. Ring blot i forvejen på: 23334006.